4 Best Supplements For A Longer, Stronger, and Healthier You

4 Best Supplements For A Longer, Stronger, and Healthier You

A stronger and healthier life begins with the basics: eating right, getting enough sleep hours, and controlling your stress levels through exercise and mediation. But if you want to jumpstart your health, you need to do more. Dr. Oz have shared the top 4 for life supplements you must add to your daily routine to help make sure you’ll have a longer life and that you will be able to fight the complications of cancer, heart diseases, osteoporosis, memory loss, and a lot more.

Care for your Heart: Resveratrol

Health researchers believe that chronic inflammation may be the cause of heart disease. Inflammation can result in blood clotting. Those clots, in turn, stop the blood flow to your heart, resulting to heart diseases and, eventually, a heart attack. There are a lot of causes to hidden inflammation such as nutritional deficiencies, short sleep, stress, and a diet high in processed foods, which is why it is very important to live a dynamic, healthy lifestyle.

You can further take care of your body from the bad effects of inflammation by taking resveratrol supplements. It is a compound that is found on plants such as the blueberries, Japanese knotweed, peanuts, red grape skins, and others. While resveratrol has been suggested highly effective in combating the physical effects of aging, a recent study shows that it help lessen the inflammation of the heart in accordance to the research conducted among its participants. Consuming one 500 mg capsule of resveratrol daily with food will help you keep a fit, healthy heart.

Fortify Your Bones: Strontium

Your bones are your body’s framework, attaching your muscles and organs. But like an aging building structure, that support starts to weaken over time. As we age, we actually lose our bone mass which results to bruises, osteoporosis and broken bones.

Strontium is a potent supplement that will give you a good protection to your bones, avoiding fragility and lessening the risks of breaks. You may be already familiar with the use of strontium in Europe; the American type is different, and is actively supported by health doctors and other physicians in the USA.

Furthermore, while calcium supplements are helpful in preventing osteoporosis, they function by supporting bone that is already there. Strontium, on the other hand, defends, fortifies, and adds density to your bones. Actually, taking 680 mg of strontium a day (at least four hours after you take your calcium, to avoid interaction) can decrease the risk of bone fractures by 33%.

Prevent Cancer: Vitamin D

Like strontium, vitamin D important for your bones, but it is also a strong factor in the cancer prevention. Too much sun exposure, of course, can heighten the danger of skin cancer, so Vitamin D supplement is a great way to fight against cancer without jeopardizing overexposure to the sun. Vitamin D helps strengthen your immune cells, so that they can combat and eliminate cancer cells. Be sure to take 1000 IU of vitamin D a day and look out for vitamin D3 – the vitamin that’s most potent as well as the most effective of all vitamin D types.

Enhances Brain Function: Fish Oil

Many of us have seen the frightening effects of Alzheimer’s on our families and friends. That’s why it’s essential to improve your brain functions and protect your memory as early as possible with a fish oil supplement.

Your brain tissue is composed of fat, mostly made up of DHA or docosahexaenoic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid. DHA helps boost the way your brain works and enhances new cell growth, which is vital to prevent and fight the effects of permanent loss of memory.

Fish oil supplements are loaded with omega-3s, specifically, DHA. Consuming 1000 mg daily will keep your memory sharp and, more notably, give protection for your brain.