Best Natural Herbs Used For Weight Loss

Let us get down to the natural and powerful herbs used traditionally to help us lose weight effectively.

Caralluma cactus was used by Native Americans and hunters to control their hunger when they are on days of hunting where no real food was available. By eating the plant, the members of the communities could go without food for longer periods of time. Because of its effectiveness in controlling one’s appetite, the plant was also consume in times of scarcity or poverty, as a way to make food supplies last longer and to lessen the total amount of food needed by every person. Some of these traditions still run today, which is why modern medical professionals are turning their attention to the effectiveness of Caralluma cactus to boost the health of patients suffering from obesity.

Green Tea

This plant is rich in flavonoids, a type of antioxidant, as well as vitamin C. It has a history of use as an appetite suppressant and weight loss supplement. Intake of natural herbs used for weight loss liquids, such as green tea, before and at meals may help you feel fuller and eat less.


Fennel is an amazing herb that can help reduce appetite and burn calories. You can buy this herbal supplement at any online store that offers natural supplements for sale. Sometimes, it is an ingredient used in ready-made formula for weight loss. It helps eliminates mucus fat so your intestines would be much cleaner.

Garcinia Cambogia

It is a well-known and widely used ingredient for weight loss. It can help you control appetite and decrease body fat at the same time. It makes it a very sought after ingredient by the weight loss industry to create herbal diet solution.


This Indian herb has been consumed both as a remedy for diabetic and weight loss purposes. It can decrease the blood sugar levels to a safe count and helps reconstruct your damaged cells.


The kelp diet was very popular back in the seventies. It mixes a synergistic combination of kelp, apple cider and lecithin to make a powerful combo help people eliminate excess fat and reduce hunger. It helps improves metabolism that can intensely quicken dieting and the burning of fat.


Dandelion is another weight losing solution that can help cleanse the kidneys and boosts the metabolism. Dandelion root can help manage appetite and stop hunger pangs from attacking when you are on a diet.

Malabar Tamarind

Tamarind can block fat cells from building up and reduce appetite. Tamarind juice is a tasty beverage that can help you lose weight aside from being delicious. Don’t add sugar to this formula, or you will disrupt its weight loss properties.

Cayenne Pepper

Capsaicin, the hot chemical in spicy food and peppers, helps stimulate saliva and the digestive system. It could support your metabolism function at a slightly increased level. It can be found in pill form, or you could add flavor to your meals. Just don’t overdo it. Peppers can trigger digestive problems in some people if they abruptly increase their consumption significantly.


This plant can act as a diuretic. That will decrease the numbers on the scale, but you are only losing water. But, there are also saponins in alfalfa, which may make fat, more soluble and easier to eliminate from the body. In addition, alfalfa is a great source of fiber, being grass.


This herb has been said to help absorb fat in the body. It’s most often used in a mixture with burdock root.


It can decrease cholesterol and may be effective against obesity-related diabetic problems.