Benefits of Tribulus

Tribulus Terrestris – Wonder Herb

The Tribulus Terrestris is an herb that is often found in the tropics. Otherwise known as the ‘Puncture Vine’ or ‘Devil’s Weed’ due to its fruits that is laced with sharp spikes. In the Southeastern parts of the world, Tribulus has played an important role in several medicinal preparations and has been prescribed for a number of ailments. One of the most leading uses of this herb is as a sexual enhancer in both men and women. In addition, it is widely known as a powerful performance booster for sports enthusiasts worldwide.

Tribulus Basic Information

Tribulus Terrestris herb belongs to the plant kingdom called the Zygophyllaceae. In Ayurveda, it is often referred to as Gokshura. The plant is abundant in places with tropical climates.
The entire plant may be used; however, it is the fruit’s extract that is mostly used for many preparations. Tribulus medicinal qualities are attributed to the main active compound called steroidal Saponins. From these Saponins, other important compounds are derived such as the Spirostanol Glycosides and Furostanol Glycosides. These compounds are found on the leaves of the Tribulus plant.

Why Many People Use Tribulus

The wonder herb Tribulus has been used since the ancient times in China and India for the treatment of certain health conditions. Tribulus has been prescribed for the disorders of the kidney, urinary, liver, and even cardiovascular problems. In the European parts of the world it has been used to treat various health disorders. In Greece, it is popularly used for constipation, headache, sexual dysfunction, and other nervous disorders like Alzheimer’s disease. But, one of the most popular uses of this medicinal herb is the enhancement of the reproductive system.

Treats Erectile Dysfunction

Low sexual libido, infertility, and erectile dysfunction are among the top conditions where Tribulus is most sought after. Basic medical studies reveal that it enhances the sexual drive effectively and boosts testosterone levels in men. Aside from that, athletes are using Tribulus for energy and better performance. In addition, those who are into bodybuilding benefits from using the herb as it help increase muscle tissue.

Other Health Benefits Derived From Tribulus

Medical experts state that the Tribulus is able to cure certain skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, and scabies. It is also believed to possess some anti-microbial, as well as anti-tumor qualities. It aids in reducing chances of angina pectoris, from occurring among regular takers of the herbal supplement. Furthermore, it is used to treat cough, flatulence, anemia, and fatigue. Tribulus is a great antioxidant; it helps in lowering high cholesterol levels, lowers high blood pressure, and is great for those who have diabetes.

Tribulus Anti-Aging Benefits

Aside from the discussed health benefits of Tribulus mentioned above, it is also popular as an active anti-aging agent. Tribulus is responsible in boosting testosterone levels in our body, as testosterones are important in our aging, Tribulus can help restore back youthfulness. It helps in warding off many visible signs of aging. As we get old, our testosterone levels are likewise reduced over time which can result to so many physiological issues that are highly associated with aging like, increased body fat, loss of muscles, lacking vigor, diminished sexual drive, and much, much more.

As with taking any other herbal supplements, it is strongly suggested to ask your doctor first if Tribulus is right for you, especially if you have health conditions that may be aggravated with regular use of Tribulus.

Reference: Health Facts 101: Natural Health Supplements