Rediscovering The Underlying Health Benefits of Yacon Syrup


It is an established fact that our body needs sugar. We often consume sugar-laced products, however It is crucial to note that taking in processed sugar or refined sugar as what we often call it is not good for the body. Processed white sugar does not contain the nutrients that our body needs for it to function properly. Good thing there is natural sweetener in the form of yacon syrup.

Yacon syrup is a root extract of the Yacon fruit which is a native of the Andean Valleys in South America. Yacon syrup provides the body with many health benefits and is at the same time as delicious and as sweet as sugar. It is made from the popular yacon root, and it is getting more popular these days for a couple of very good reasons.

The Yacon roots taste very sweet, that is why many people eat it a lot. There are however many people who now regularly use it as their sugar substitute as it was made into a sweet syrup. The yacon root syrup sweetener is healthy and has a 100% low glycemic index which is a measurement of how fast blood sugar levels shoots up after eating some kind of food. Furthermore, the syrup has been clinically proven to have various health benefits. Despite all that, keep in mind that like any other health supplement, yacon syrup hypoallergenic is likewise present and can be found on the sweetener. Meaning it can contain some components that can cause very mild allergic reactions in the body.

But, in the meantime, let us focus on the many health benefits of this wonder sugar substitute called Yacon syrup.

Here are a few of the noted health benefits of this amazing sweetener:

• Yacon Syrup facilitates weight loss and keeps healthy blood sugar levels

As Yacon syrup is known to have a very low glycemic index, this makes it a very good sweetener and a perfect substitute for sugar. Perfect for use by those who have diabetes. Yacon helps lower the blood sugar in the body owing to the effects of fructooligosaccharides which is the main ingredient of Yacon syrup. Fructooligosaccharides are a natural fiber that the body is unable to breakdown, essentially because it cannot be broken down and does not pack in calories for the body.

In a recent clinical study with the help of some obese volunteers who were insulin resistant, they were made to ingest a couple of doses of yacon syrup daily. At the end of the 120-day clinical study, the obese participants had lower levels of fasting insulin on an average. But, the levels of fasting blood sugar were not affected. Moreover, according to the study, the syrup helped fight their hunger pangs, thus resulted to effective weight loss.

• Yacon syrup helps improve the digestive system

Yacon syrup is noted to enhance the overall digestive system of a person as it is a popular ‘Prebiotic.’ Simply put, it can summon all the good bacteria into your digestive system, boosts digestion, and immune system function of the person regularly consuming the natural yacon root syrup. Furthermore, this is very sweet tasting syrup that has been found to effectively cleanse the colon for a regular bowel movement.

• Yacon syrup promotes a healthy liver functioning

Yacon syrup helps treat an ailing liver and keep a healthy liver functioning as it lowers blood sugar and high cholesterol levels in patients diagnosed with what we call the ‘Metabolic Syndrome.’ Metabolic Syndrome is the main culprit for diabetes and heart diseases prevalence in many people. A consistent use of yacon syrup for 90 days will help prevent the accumulation of fats in the liver and help lower high cholesterol levels.

Reference: Yacon Syrup Giveaways

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